Fellows Elementary PTO
Empowering families to support teachers, enabling students to thrive. VolunteerJoin Our Email ListWhat is Fellows PTO?
The Fellows PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Fellows Elementary. The PTO includes all teachers, staff members, parents and guardians of students at Fellows.
What does Fellows PTO do?
PTO supports the amazing work already taking place at Fellows Elementary by providing extra resources, including funds and volunteer time, to help make our school great!
Our contribution to Fellows includes purchasing curriculum and classroom resources, funding annual teacher mini grants, covering field trip fees and busing, organizing family events and teacher appreciation activities throughout the year.
The Fellows PTO Aims to Achieve Three Primary Goals:

Raise funds for student enrichment.

Promote open communication between families, teachers and administrators.

Provide a volunteer support network to Fellows.